Map of Malawi


Malawi is a country in Southeast Africa,[1] within the tropical climate zone.[2] Most of its population of approximately 15,448,000 people work in the agricultural sector, both in private landholdings and tea and tobacco estates.[1]

Mulanje in southern Malawi produces large amounts of pineapple, tung, tobacco and teas. Its industries also include canning and tea packing.[3]

The Malawi Tea 2020 partnership website is [].

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Malawi, Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved on September 10, 2011.
  2. The Reader's Digest World Atlas, pp. 26–27. ISBN 963-9562-54-8
  3. Mulanje, Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved on September 10, 2011.